So many new and amazing things have come into our lives! The biggest is all of the orphaned ducklings we have been fostering. Susie says I am a big softy, because I have been such a good mommy to these littles. Squeaky and I have been taking turns helping teach them how to be ducks. Foraging for bugs, duck diving in the pool, how to eat all of your veggies and when to give cuddles for more snacks! It is wonderful to see them grow up and fly away - but we do miss them. Susie is always happy when they come back to visit.
I have also been busy spreading my wings and my story! We are so lucky to have made such special friends who share my surfing adventures with the world. I got to be in a USA Today article, on The Pet Hui here on Spectrum OC16, DaBest Hawaii - who shared our story even further where we are now on Hawaiian Airlines in-flight entertainment! And yesterday, Susie got to speak to her favorite podcasters Tom and Dan in Orlando! Our story will air today on Real Radio 104.1 on A Corporate Time with Tom and Dan! You even get to hear me say hi! We will get all of the links to our neat stories, so you can read, watch and listen too! Mahalo for all of the love and support you have shared with us and all of the animals in the world! We all need a voice - so keep squeaking, chirping, barking, meowing and any other sounds you can make to help us be heard. Love and Aloha, Daffy and Susie
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I finally did it! I competed in the Duke's Oceanfest - Going to the Dogs, Surfur Competition! What a day! 16 dogs and a duck and we had Baby Queens surf break all to ourselves - we owned it! I got to surf with some of my idols - legendary surfing dogs like Abbie @abbiesurfs from California and Luna from the North Shore @alexandreAlikaVaquer.
My surf coach KK surfed with me - and even got fancy and surfed tandem with me! It was amazing! We did great and placed 4th! I can't wait for next year. KK is going to help Susie get better at surfing so we can compete together. Now wouldn't that be a grand adventure. I can't thank The Public Pet in Kailmuki enough for so generously sponsoring me in the competition! Go Public Pet Surf Team!!!! @thePublicPet It was such a confidence booster having their support! Jordan even came down to the competition to cheer us on! So, training for next year has already begun. I hope more of you can join us for an amazing day of soggy dogs and duck dives!!! Love and Aloha, Daffy and Susie Aloha! I am Daffy. I was a lone baby Muscovy duckling when Susie found me. We have been best friends ever since! She took me everywhere with her as I grew up, so I was never scared or alone. I met so many neat people on our trips.
My favorite place is the beach. We hang out in the sand - and in our special tent, and chase crabs and take pictures. I like to follow the surfer boys and girls. I started standing on surfboards on the sand - then Susie took me in the water on one. I learned how to surf with my friends Tony, Ryan and KK! They were so patient with me while I learned. Now I get to go all of the time. My favorite time at the beach is when we volunteer for AccesSurf! I am their mascot! I get to play with all of the little and big kids all day long. Everyone has a heart filled with love and happiness there. We have so much fun together. I am 8 months old now - and we have had so many adventures. That is why we decided to share it with you! I hope you enjoy our stories and come back for more. You can never get enough Duck Love! Love and Duck Kisses - Daffy |
DAffy & SusieMy name is Daffy and I am Susies Duck. I was rescued by Susie last year. She took me in and became my Duck mom! We live in Hawaii go on grand adventures together. Our favorite place to explore is the beach. We volunteer together with AccesSurf - where we are all one Ohana. I have even become their mascot. Archives
December 2019
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